Direct to consumer testing

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Nous vous prions de trouver ci-dessous un appel d’offre de l’EFLM Task Force « Direct to Consumer Testing »

Appel d’offre

Dear All,

– Test results of biomarkers can be obtained in different settings (such by conventional lab tests, as POCT, as selftesting, or with implanted sensors such as CGM). The public and the attending physicians rely on the numeric results of IVD testing performed and are often not aware how these results were generated and whether the results can be used interchangeably. There is a risk to patient safety when inappropriate test results are used for medical decisions or when resources are wasted due to insufficient quality of IVD tests.

– The aim of the Task Force is to inform the laboratory community as well as IVD companies and law makers about these challenges, to develop standards to be met when DTCT data has to be used for healthcare decisions and, finally, to develop recommendations for or against the use of certain IVD tests as DTCT.

– Now, we would like to get valuable input from people from many countries and different backgrounds. During the EFLM Strategic Conference, we learned that the perception of DTCT is very different among countries and this gives us the chance to address issues we were not aware yet. Therefore, we kindly invite your National Society to nominate a representative to the networking group inside the TF-DTCT.

– If members of your society wishes to join, please reply to this email before May 15, 2023, indicating the name, affiliation and email address of the person who will represent your National Society in the TF-DTCT networking group.

Kind regards,
Matthias Orth


Les candidatures sont à adresser avant le 10 mai 2023

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